Niger Delta Journal of Education (NDJE)






S/N Names Positions University
1 Editor Wilberforce Island.
2 Assistant Editor Wilberforce Island
3 Assistant Editor Wilberforce Island
4 Editorial board Member Wilberforce Island
5 Editorial Board Member Wilberforce Island
6 Editorial Board Member Wilberforce Island
1 Prof S. F. Brisibe Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island
2 Prof B. G. Fente Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island
3 Prof Olu Osinowo Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island
4 Prof R. Oruamabo University of Port-Harcourt, Port-Harcourt
5 Prof Uche Onwudiegwu Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife
6 Prof Ndubuisi Eke University of Port-Harcourt, Port-Harcourt
7 Prof D. Ogoina Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island
8 Prof E. O. Okoro University of Ilorin, Ilorin
9 Prof Jeremiah Israel Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island
10 Prof Imabong Ekanem University of Calabar, Calabar
11 Prof Obianwu Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island
12 Prof E. A. Dili Dogo University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri
13 Prof Elesha Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island
14 Prof Terna Yaweh University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri
15 Prof O. E Kunle-Olowu March, 2019
16 Prof S. C. Meludu Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi
17 Prof T. C. Harry Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island
18 Prof E. A. Ameh NAhmadu Bello University, Zaria
19 Prof A.N. Osuigwe Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island
20 Prof P. Ekwere University of Calabar, Calabar
21 Dr D. S. Ogaji University of Port Harcourt, Port-Harcourt
22 Prof Best Ordinioha University of Port Harcourt, Port-Harcourt
Editorial Information

Types of Manuscripts and Limit


Other Types of Publications






Preparation of Manuscript



Original Article should be formatted as follow

  • Title page
    • Title of article, names of contributing authors in this order; Surname (family name) in full , middle name initial and First name in full e.g. Green O. Smith, name of institution the study is carried out and qualifications of each author, name, address and email of the corresponding author.
  • Article file
    • This file contains the abstract and keywords and the main text sections only.
  • Abstract
    • This is arranged into; a brief Introduction highlighting the background, Methods highlighting (setting, design, timeline, subjects, data management etc), Results and conclusions. It should not exceed 250 words.
  • Keywords
    • These should not be more than six or less than four words
  • Text
    • Text of an original manuscript should be separated into the standard IMRAD format as follows: Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion. Sections on Acknowledgements and References should be included
  • Introduction
    • Should be concise and state the background and clear objective of the paper.
  • Materials and Methods
    • Should be clear enough for another researcher to be able to repeat the study. Detailed statement on ethical issues should be in this section
  • Results
    • Present results in logical sequence in the text, tables, figures and other illustrations. Do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables or illustrations; emphasize or summarize only the important observations. Use the symbols * ¶ ᵼ ⱡ § sequentially to explain as footnotes unconventional abbreviations used in the tables.
  • Discussion
    • The major findings should be highlighted and related to other studies. Their significance, implications and limitations should be emphasized.
  • Conclusions
    • As much as possible relevant conclusions from the results in relation to the objectives of the study should be stated.
  • Acknowledgement:
    • The following should be acknowledged; Research or other financial grants; Material support, Contributions of Institutions, Colleagues and other relevant participants who contributed significantly but not sufficient for the authorship.
  • References
    • should follow the Vancouver style giving name of the Journal or its standard abbreviation, year, volume, first and last pages. The references should be numbered, using Arabic numerals in superscript in the order in which they are first used in the text, tables, figures, and legends. In the reference section, list the references in the order of appearance in the text, tables, figures and legends. Do not include abstracts, unpublished data, oral communications, and personal communications in the reference list. All references should be against the original documents. In the reference section, the names of first six authors should be listed followed by “et al.” Names of journals should be abbreviated using the approved style as in Index Medicus/PubMed. A manuscript may be rejected for inaccurate citations..
  • References to a chapter in a textbook
    • should include the surname and up to two initials of each author, title of the chapter, followed by In:, surname and up to two initials of each editor of the book, title of the book, edition , publisher ,year of publication, first and last page of the chapter
  • Reference to a book
    • should state the surname and up to two initials of each editor of the book, followed by eds, title of the book, edition of the book, place of publication,year and pages of the chapter.


Manuscripts accepted for publication in Niger Delta Journal of Medical Sciences become the property of the journal. All authors are therefore expected to sign a transfer of copyright form and send a scan copy by email attachment to the editorial office. With copyright, the journal has the exclusive rights to reproduction, translation and distribution of the article.

Subscription Per Annum

Individuals         –N4, 000
Institutions        –N7, 000
Overseas             — USD 100 or equivalent

Advertisement rates per Issue

Full page (cover pages)        –N25, 000
Inside Full page                     –N22, 500
½ page                                    –N15, 000
¼ page                                    –N8, 000

Processing and Publication Fees: USD 100 or its equivalent payable only after the acceptance of submitted manuscript.

Editorial Office,
Editor in Chief and Editorial Office,
Prof. Kenneth Efakponana Eni
Faculty of Arts,
Department of Theatre Arts,
Niger Delta University,
PMB 071,
Wilberforce Island,
Bayelsa State, Nigeria.Telephone: +234**********, +234********
Editor’s Email: Togel 4D Bandar Togel Rupiahtoto Situs Toto Rupiahtoto