Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing



A centre of excellence in medical-surgical nursing education, research, community service and consultancy with scholars and professionals.



To train nurse professionals, carry out research in current and emerging health issues, provide community service and consultancy.


Core Values:


The Board of Trustees, faculty, and staff of the Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing are committed to and governed by the following core values:

Excellence: consistently achieving outstanding levels of performance while upholding the highest standards of ethical behavior, intellectual honesty, and professional conduct.
Service: maintaining a nurturing and service-oriented environment that exceeds expectations and treats all people with compassion, dignity, and respect.
Accountability: accepting individual and collective responsibility for preserving and effectively managing the resources of the department.
Teamwork: encouraging, supporting and valuing the collaborative efforts of faculty, staff, and students to advance the quality of education, research, and patient care.
Innovation: promoting creativity and the development of ideas that stimulate improvements in our intellectual and operational endeavors.
Diversity: fostering ethnic, intellectual, social, and cultural diversity.
Community-focused: demonstrating our concern for the health care needs of underserved communities and advocating for local, state, and national health and public policies directed at improving the status of health of all individuals.


The MSN Department has adopted seven major initiatives that provide pathways toward fulfilling the mission and vision for the institution. These priorities drive institutional direction, investment of resources, and benchmarks for institutional effectiveness.

Educational Excellence: providing an enriching environment that assures and sustains academic excellence and professional competency in all academic programs.
Faculty Recruitment, Retention, and Development: attracting and sustaining a cadre of committed and productive faculty who exemplify the highest standards of personal ethics and professional excellence.
Clinical Excellence: diversifying and expanding the clinical enterprise by maintaining a primary care focus and targeting selected specialty areas that meet the community’s needs.
Research Excellence: capitalizing on research strengths and elevating the competitive quality and quantity of basic, clinical, translation, and community service research to reduce health problems.
Operational Excellence: strengthening the organizational structure, processes, and culture to ensure the highest standards of performance, responsiveness, and accountability.
Facilities, Infrastructure and Environmental Excellence: augmenting facilities to demonstrate long term commitment to providing an efficient, safe, and user friendly environment that enhances teaching, learning, research, and service delivery.
Financial Performance: projecting the Department on a path of financial health that adequately supports the Faculty of Nursing and the Niger Delta University’s aspirations through effective management of resources and stewardship that ensures financial stability and growth.

The Department of Nursing Science offers the following programme(s);


* Bachelor of Nursing Science






  • Community Health Nursing
  • Correctional Facility Nursing
  • Dermatology Nursing
  • Developmental Disability Nursing
  • Developmental Diabetics Nursing

Head of Department – Mr. Zibima Soupriye (Coordinator)

Academic Staff

S/N Names Rank
1 Sambo Baralate Lecturer II view profile
2 Aladei Philomina O. Lecturer I view profile
3 Kenneth Belibodei Wasini Lecturer I view profile
4 Victor Obosinde Adika Lecturer I view profile
5 Zibima Soupriye Bidokumo Lecturer II view profile
6 Berefagha Wonyinbarakemi Ladi Assistant Lecturer view profile

Lecturer Statistics

Professor 0
Associate Professor 0
Senior Lecturer 0
Lecturer I 2
Lecturer II 2
Assistant Lecturer 1
Graduate Assistant 0
Year 1 Male Students    ——– Female Students    ——–
Year 2 Male Students    ——– Female Students     ———
Year 3 Male Students    ——— Female Students    ——–
Year 4 Male Students    ——— Female Students    ———
Year 5 Male Students    ——– Female Students    ———

Faculty of nursing

NDU Nursing Programme

Duration: 5 years

Lectures: 10

Male Lecturers: 3

Female Lecturers: 2

Max Retakes: 5 Togel 4D Bandar Togel Rupiahtoto Situs Toto Rupiahtoto